AxisTickLabels.position property. Gets or sets the position of the tick labels on the axis.... doc = aw . Document () builder = aw . DocumentBuilder... insert_chart ( chart_type = aw . drawing . charts . ChartType...
aspose.words.math.OfficeMathDisplayType enumeration. Specifies the display format type of the equation.... doc = aw . Document ( file_name = MY_DIR...office_math = doc . get_child ( aw . NodeType . OFFICE_MATH , 0...
Table.allow_overlap property. Gets whether a floating table shall allow other floating objects in the document to overlap its extents when displayed... doc = aw . Document ( file_name = MY_DIR...] if table . text_wrapping == aw . tables . TextWrapping . AROUND...
Bookmark.is_column property. Returns ``True`` if this bookmark is a table column bookmark.... doc = aw . Document ( MY_DIR + 'Table...get_ancestor ( aw . NodeType . ROW ) if row is aw . tables . Row...
ShapeBase.relative_horizontal_size property. Gets or sets the value of shape's relative size in horizontal direction.... doc = aw . Document () builder = aw . DocumentBuilder... insert_shape ( shape_type = aw . drawing . ShapeType . RECTANGLE...
Export to HTML-based format using custom styles for roundtrip saving features in Java....Styles are prefixed with -aw. All -aw properties are used to preserve...container. -aw-comment-author, -aw-comment-datetime and -aw-comment-initial...
Aspose.Words.Saving.ExportListLabels enum. Specifica la modalità di esportazione delle etichette dellelenco in HTML MHTML ed EPUB in C#....text-indent:-18pt; -aw-import:list-item; -aw-list-level-number:1; -aw-list-number-format:'%1...t:'%1.'; -aw-list-number-styles:'lowerLetter'; -aw-list-number-values:'1';...
HtmlSaveOptions ExportListLabels property. Controls how list labels are output to HTML MHTML or EPUB. Default value is Auto in C#....text-indent:-18pt; -aw-import:list-item; -aw-list-level-number:1; -aw-list-number-format:'%1...t:'%1.'; -aw-list-number-styles:'lowerLetter'; -aw-list-number-values:'1';...