DocumentBuilder.push_font method. Saves current character formatting onto the stack.... doc = aw . Document () builder = aw . DocumentBuilder...builder . font . style_identifier = aw . StyleIdentifier . HYPERLINK...
DocumentBuilder.current_section property. Gets the section that is currently selected in this [DocumentBuilder](../).... doc = aw . Document () builder = aw . DocumentBuilder...'Logo.jpg' ) shape . wrap_type = aw . drawing . WrapType . NONE #...
Shading.background_pattern_theme_color property. Gets or sets the background pattern theme color in the applied color scheme that is associated with this [Shading](../) object.... doc = aw . Document () builder = aw . DocumentBuilder... shading shading . texture = aw . TextureIndex . TEXTURE_12PT5_PERCENT...
PageSetup.orientation property. Returns or sets the orientation of the page.... doc = aw . Document () builder = aw . DocumentBuilder.... page_setup . orientation = aw . Orientation . LANDSCAPE builder...
FileFormatUtil.content_type_to_load_format method. Converts IANA content type into a load format enumerated value.... assertRaises ( Exception ): aw . FileFormatUtil . content_type_to_save_format... assertRaises ( Exception ): aw . FileFormatUtil . content_type_to_save_format...
Font.theme_font property. Gets or sets the theme font in the applied font scheme that is associated with this [Font](../) object.... doc = aw . Document () # Define fonts...default values. font . theme_font = aw . themes . ThemeFont . MINOR...
Shape.signature_line property. Gets [SignatureLine](../../signatureline/) object if the shape is a signature line... doc = aw . Document () builder = aw . DocumentBuilder...DocumentBuilder ( doc = doc ) options = aw . SignatureLineOptions () options...