FieldIndex.letter_range property. Gets or sets a range of letters to which limit the index.... doc = aw . Document () builder = aw . DocumentBuilder... insert_field ( field_type = aw . fields . FieldType . FIELD_INDEX...
Compressez DOC dans Python sans perte de qualité. Optimisez le contenu DOC, réduisez facilement la taille du fichier....words as aw doc = aw.Document("Input.doc") doc...for node in doc.get_child_nodes(aw.NodeType.SHAPE, True)] for shape...
IFieldMergingCallback.field_merging method. Called when the Aspose.Words mail merge engine is about to insert data into a merge field in the document....( self ): doc = aw . Document () builder = aw . DocumentBuilder...class HandleMergeFieldInse ( aw . mailmerging . IFieldMergingCallbac...
PageSetup.bottom_margin property. Returns or sets the distance (in points) between the bottom edge of the page and the bottom boundary of the body text.... doc = aw . Document () builder = aw . DocumentBuilder...builder . page_setup . paper_size = aw . PaperSize . LEGAL builder ...
PageSetup.footer_distance property. Returns or sets the distance (in points) between the footer and the bottom of the page.... doc = aw . Document () builder = aw . DocumentBuilder...builder . page_setup . paper_size = aw . PaperSize . LEGAL builder ...
PageSetup.right_margin property. Returns or sets the distance (in points) between the right edge of the page and the right boundary of the body text.... doc = aw . Document () builder = aw . DocumentBuilder...builder . page_setup . paper_size = aw . PaperSize . LEGAL builder ...
PageSetup.top_margin property. Returns or sets the distance (in points) between the top edge of the page and the top boundary of the body text.... doc = aw . Document () builder = aw . DocumentBuilder...builder . page_setup . paper_size = aw . PaperSize . LEGAL builder ...
Fill.gradient_angle property. Gets or sets the angle of the gradient fill.... doc = aw . Document () builder = aw . DocumentBuilder... insert_shape ( shape_type = aw . drawing . ShapeType . RECTANGLE...