Birkaç adımda Python içinde yeni bir DOC yapın. Python via .NET kitaplığını kullanarak kolayca DOC oluşturun....words as aw doc = aw.Document() comment = aw.Comment(doc)...first_paragraph para.append_child(aw.CommentRangeStart(doc, comment...
Birkaç adımda Python içinde yeni bir DOCX yapın. Python via .NET kitaplığını kullanarak kolayca DOCX oluşturun....words as aw doc = aw.Document() comment = aw.Comment(doc)...first_paragraph para.append_child(aw.CommentRangeStart(doc, comment...
aspose.words.saving.TxtExportHeadersFootersMode enumeration. Specifies the way headers and footers are exported to plain text format.... doc = aw . Document () # Insert even and...headers_footers . add ( aw . HeaderFooter ( doc , aw . HeaderFooterType...
NodeCollection indexer. Retrieves a node at the given index.... doc = aw . Document () # Add two runs...paragraph = doc . get_child ( aw . NodeType . PARAGRAPH , 0 ,...
OoxmlSaveOptions.save_format property. Specifies the format in which the document will be saved if this save options object is used... doc = aw . Document () builder = aw . DocumentBuilder...compatibility_options . optimize_for ( aw . settings . MsWordVersion ....
ChartSeriesCollection.add_multilevel_value method. Adds new [ChartSeries](../../chartseries/) to this collection... doc = aw . Document () builder = aw . DocumentBuilder... insert_chart ( chart_type = aw . drawing . charts . ChartType...
DocumentBuilder.insert_text_input method. Inserts a text form field at the current position.... builder = aw . DocumentBuilder () # Form fields...insert_text_input ( "My text input" , aw . fields . TextFormFieldType...
CellFormat.wrap_text property. If ``True``, wrap text for the cell.... doc = aw . Document () builder = aw . DocumentBuilder...paragraph_format . alignment = aw . ParagraphAlignment . CENTER...
Font.tint_and_shade property. Gets or sets a double value that lightens or darkens a color.... doc = aw . Document () builder = aw . = doc . styles . add ( aw . StyleType . PARAGRAPH , "ThemedStyle"...