Fill.back_color property. Gets or sets a Color object that represents the background color for the fill.... doc = aw . Document () builder = aw . DocumentBuilder... insert_shape ( shape_type = aw . drawing . ShapeType . RECTANGLE...
Document.sections property. Returns a collection that represents all sections in the document.... doc = aw . Document () builder = aw . builder . insert_break ( aw . BreakType . SECTION_BREAK_NEW_PAGE...
Body constructor. Initializes a new instance of the [Body](../) class.... doc = aw . Document () # A blank document...root document node. section = aw . Section ( doc ) doc . append_child...
DocumentVisitor.visit_comment_range_start method. Called when the start of a commented range of text is encountered....test_comments_to_text ( self ): doc = aw . Document ( MY_DIR + "Docum...class CommentStructurePrin ( aw . DocumentVisitor ): """Traverses...
SignatureLineOptions.instructions property. Gets or sets instructions to the signer that are displayed on signing the signature line... doc = aw . Document () builder = aw . DocumentBuilder...doc ) signature_line_options = aw . SignatureLineOptions () si...
CompositeNode.count property. Gets the number of immediate children of this node.... doc = aw . Document () # An empty document...first_paragraph paragraph_text = aw . Run ( doc = doc , text = 'Initial...
FootnoteOptions.start_number property. Specifies the starting number or character for the first automatically numbered footnotes.... doc = aw . Document () builder = aw . DocumentBuilder...insert_footnote ( footnote_type = aw . notes . FootnoteType . FOOTNOTE...
DocumentVisitor.visit_table_end method. Called when enumeration of a table has ended....test_table_to_text ( self ): doc = aw . Document ( MY_DIR + "Docum...class TableStructurePrinte ( aw . DocumentVisitor ): """Traverses...
DocumentVisitor.visit_cell_start method. Called when enumeration of a table cell has started....test_table_to_text ( self ): doc = aw . Document ( MY_DIR + "Docum...class TableStructurePrinte ( aw . DocumentVisitor ): """Traverses...
PageRange constructor. Creates a new page range object.... doc = aw . Document ( file_name = MY_DIR...image_options = aw . saving . ImageSaveOptions ( aw . SaveFormat...