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  1. How to Save Slide as SVG in C#

    We'll walk you through the steps in C# for how to save slide As SVG in C#. By using few lines of code you can eAsily convert slide to SVG in C#....We'll walk you through the steps in C# for how to save slide as SVG in C#. By using few lines of code you can easily convert slide to SVG in C#.
  2. Marking TextStamp as Artifact - Free Support Fo...

    Hi, I’m using the Aspose.Pdf.Page.AddStamp method to add a TextStamp to a document, but want to mark the TextStamp As an artifact for accessibility reAsons. How do I do this pleAse? Thank you, Stan...Hi, I’m using the Aspose.Pdf.Page.AddStamp method to add a TextStamp to a document, but want to mark the TextStamp as an artifact for accessibility reasons. How do I do this please? Thank you, Stan
  3. Error Saving as HTML - Free Support Forum - asp...

    Hello, If you run my sample, you’ll find it won’t save the message As HTML with its related files in its folder. This code works for many cAses, but not for some! Not sure if bug or my bad usage: PS if you check my g…...Hello, If you run my sample, you’ll find it won’t save the message as HTML with its related files in its folder. This code works for many cases, but not for some! Not sure if bug or my bad usage: PS if you check my g…
  4. Unable to save pdf as docx or to a stream - Fre...

    Unable to save a PDF to a docx or to a stream. Version: 22.2.0 Tech Stack: .net While attempting to save this file to docx or to a stream the save bAsically stops working. No exception is thrown and it does not ever f…...Unable to save a PDF to a docx or to a stream. Version: 22.2.0 Tech Stack: .net While attempting to save this file to docx or to a stream the save basically stops working. No exception is thrown and it does not ever f…
  5. Marking TextStamp as Artifact - Free Support Fo...

    Hi, I’m using the Aspose.Pdf.Page.AddStamp method to add a TextStamp to a document, but want to mark the TextStamp As an artifact for accessibility reAsons. How do I do this pleAse? Thank you, Stan...Hi, I’m using the Aspose.Pdf.Page.AddStamp method to add a TextStamp to a document, but want to mark the TextStamp as an artifact for accessibility reasons. How do I do this please? Thank you, Stan
  6. Aspose PDF does not show checkbox checked when ...

    Hi team, I have a PDF document with a checkbox checked. I trying to save this document As a PNG. The output does not show the checkbox checked. var pdf = new Aspose.Pdf.Document("Input.pdf"); var renderer = new Aspos…...Hi team, I have a PDF document with a checkbox checked. I trying to save this document as a PNG. The output does not show the checkbox checked. var pdf = new Aspose.Pdf.Document("Input.pdf"); var renderer = new Aspos…
  7. Using Aspose.Slides for .NET as COM Objects / E...

    Hello, we try to generate the a typelibrary for .Slides to use it via COM in Delphi. But the generation fails. grafik.png (78,1 KB) How to fix this? Stefan...Hello, we try to generate the a typelibrary for .Slides to use it via COM in Delphi. But the generation fails. grafik.png (78,1 KB) How to fix this? Stefan
  8. Save to PDF is breaking the "bullet" character,...

    Our web application supports saving a document both to Word and PDF, using Aspose.Words for Java. For Word, we have no problem. But, for PDF, it is rendering the “disc” bullets used for an unordered list in a way that t…...Our web application supports saving a document both to Word and PDF, using Aspose.Words for Java. For Word, we have no problem. But, for PDF, it is rendering the “disc” bullets used for an unordered list in a way that t…
  9. Saving a .docx as an intermediate .docx then sa...

    Hello, We have a source .docx file that we save first As a working .docx file, then we save this working .docx As final .docm file. Unfortunatly, the final .docm cannot be opened by MS Word (“Xml parsing error”). The s…...Hello, We have a source .docx file that we save first as a working .docx file, then we save this working .docx as final .docm file. Unfortunatly, the final .docm cannot be opened by MS Word (“Xml parsing error”). The s…
  10. Extracting Forward Email as Attachment - Free S...

    I have to parse an email that hAs an attachment that wAs forwarded on As an embedded email which in turn hAs embedded attachments. I have the following code to try to process this, but when I come to the line that displ…...I have to parse an email that has an attachment that was forwarded on as an embedded email which in turn has embedded attachments. I have the following code to try to process this, but when I come to the line that displ…