ИнициализироватьSemanticAttributeaspose.threed.utilities/semanticattribute...3D SemanticAttribute(VertexFieldSemantic...ThreeD.Utilities сборка Aspose.3D Alias Русский English 简体中文...
IOUtils Contents [ Hide ] IOUtils class Utilities to write matrix/vector to binary writer public static class IOUtils......3D IArrayListT LocalFileSystem English...
SetRotation TextureBase.SetRotation method Sets the UV rotation. public void SetRotation ( double u , double v ) Para......3D WrapModeW SetScale English Русский...
GetPolygonSize Mesh.GetPolygonSize method Gets the vertex count of the specified polygon. public int GetPolygonSize (......3D GetEnumerator ToMesh English...
GetChannel BindPoint.GetChannel method Gets channel by given name public AnimationChannel GetChannel ( string channel......3D CreateKeyframeSequen GetKeyframeSequence...
NegativeX CubeFaceData.NegativeX property Gets or sets the data for +X(Left) face public T NegativeX { get ; set ;......3D Left NegativeY English Русский...
PositiveZ CubeFaceData.PositiveZ property Gets or sets the data for +Z(Back) face public T PositiveZ { get ; set ;......3D PositiveY Right English Русский...
TwistOffset LinearExtrusion.TwistOffset property The offset that used in twisting, default value is (0, 0, 0). public......3D Twist ToMesh English Русский...
RadiusBottom Cylinder.RadiusBottom property Gets or sets the radius of cylinder’s bottom cap. public double RadiusBot......3D RadialSegments RadiusTop English...