Name VertexElement.Name property Gets or sets the name. public string Name { get ; set ; } Property Value The name. S......3D MappingMode ReferenceMode English...
ShowGrid Html5SaveOptions.ShowGrid property Display a grid in the scene. Default value is true. public bool ShowGrid ......3D OrientationBox ShowRulers English...
ExportNormals U3dsaveOptions.ExportNormals property Gets or sets whether to export normal data. public bool ExportNor......3D EmbedTextures ExportTextureCoordin...
EnableMaterials ObjLoadOptions.EnableMaterials property Gets or sets whether import materials for each object public ......3D ObjLoadOptions FlipCoordinateSystem...
Indices Shape.Indices property Gets the indices. public IList < int > Indices { get ; } Property Value The indices. S......3D FromControlPoints English Русский...
CastShadows Geometry.CastShadows property Gets or sets whether this geometry can cast shadow public bool CastShadows ......3D Geometry ControlPoints English...
Magnification Camera.Magnification property Gets or sets the magnification used in orthographic camera public Vector2......3D Height ProjectionType English...
LinearAttenuation Light.LinearAttenuation property Gets or sets the linear attenuation to calculate the total attenua......3D LightType QuadraticAttenuation...
ConstantAttenuation Light.ConstantAttenuation property Gets or sets the constant attenuation to calculate the total a......3D Color Falloff English Русский...
Scale ITextureUnit.Scale property Gets or sets the scale of the UV coordinate. public Vector2 Scale { get ; set ; } S......3D Mipmap Scroll English Русский...