TriMesh TriMesh constructor Initialize an instance of TriMesh public TriMesh ( string name , VertexDeclaration declar......3D CopyFrom English Русский 简体中文...
FrontFace FrontFace enumeration Define front- and back-facing polygons public enum FrontFace Values Name Value Descri......3D EntityRendererKey GLSLSource...
RotateEulerDegree TransformBuilder.RotateEulerDegree method Chain a rotation by Euler angles in degree public Transfo......3D RotateDegree RotateEulerRadian...
EvaluateAt NurbsCurve.EvaluateAt method Evaluate the curve’s point at specified position public Vector4 EvaluateAt ( ......3D Evaluate English Русский 简体中文...
ParentNodes Entity.ParentNodes property Gets all parent nodes, an entity can be attached to multiple parent nodes for......3D ParentNode GetBoundingBox English...
SetEulerAngles Transform.SetEulerAngles method Sets the Euler angles in degrees of current transform. public Transfor......3D Translation SetGeometricRotation...