KeyFrame KeyFrame constructor Create a new key frame on specified curve public KeyFrame ( KeyframeSequence curve , do......3D Bias English Русский 简体中文...
PolygonMode PolygonMode enumeration The polygon rasterization mode public enum PolygonMode Values Name Value Descript......3D PixelFormat PostProcessing English...
ReadVector2 TriMesh.ReadVector2 method Read the vector2 field public Vector2 ReadVector2 ( int idx , VertexField fiel......3D ReadFVector4 ReadVector3 English...
ReadFVector3 TriMesh.ReadFVector3 method Read the vector3 field public FVector3 ReadFVector3 ( int idx , VertexField ......3D ReadFVector2 ReadFVector4 English...
KeepBuiltinGlobalSettings FbxLoadOptions.KeepBuiltinGlobalSettings property Gets or sets whether to keep the builtin ......3D FbxLoadOptions English Русский...
BindKeyframeSequence BindPoint.BindKeyframeSequence method Bind the keyframe sequence to specified channel public voi......3D AddChannel CreateKeyframeSequen...