AngleStart RectangularTorus.AngleStart property The start angle of the arc, measured in radian. Default value is 0 pu......3D RectangularTorus Arc English...
FromDegree EndPoint.FromDegree method Create an end point measured in degree. public static EndPoint FromDegree ( dou......3D EndPoint FromRadian English Русский...
Closed PatchDirection.Closed property Gets or sets a value indicating whether this PatchDirection is a closed curve. ......3D PatchDirection ControlPoints...
EnableCompression AmfSaveOptions.EnableCompression property Whether to use compression to reduce the final file size,......3D AmfSaveOptions English Русский...
BindIndexBuffer ICommandList.BindIndexBuffer method Bind the index buffer for rendering public void BindIndexBuffer (......3D BindDescriptorSet BindPipeline...
DishLatitudeSegments RvmLoadOptions.DishLatitudeSegments property Gets or sets the number of dish’ latitude segments,......3D CylinderRadialSegmen DishLongitudeSegment...
OutTangent KeyFrame.OutTangent property Gets or sets the out(right) tangent on this key frame. public Vector2 OutTang......3D NextInWeight OutWeight English...