GetPostProcessing Renderer.GetPostProcessing method Gets a built-in post-processor that supported by the renderer. pu......3D Execute RegisterEntityRender...
FallbackEntityRenderer Renderer.FallbackEntityRenderer property Gets or sets the fallback entity renderer when the en......3D EnableShadows Frustum English...
Material Renderer.Material property Gets or sets the material that used to provide material information used by shade......3D Frustum Node English Русский...
ChannelsCount BindPoint.ChannelsCount property Gets the total number of property channels defined in this animation c......3D BindPoint Item English Русский...
XDim RectangleShape.XDim property Gets or sets the extent of the rectangle in the direction of x-axis Default value i......3D RoundingRadius YDim English Русский...
YDim RectangleShape.YDim property Gets or sets the extent of the rectangle in the direction of y-axis Default value i......3D XDim GetExtent English Русский...
ProjectionType ProjectionType enumeration Camera’s projection types. public enum ProjectionType Values Name Value Des......3D Primitive Pyramid English Русский...