ShowRulers Html5SaveOptions.ShowRulers property Display rulers of x/y/z axes in the scene to measure the model. Defau......3D ShowGrid ShowUI English Русский...
MetallicRoughness PbrMaterial.MetallicRoughness property Gets or sets the texture for metallic(in R channel) and roug......3D MetallicFactor NormalTexture...
ShaderContent ShaderTechnique.ShaderContent property Gets or sets the content of a embedded shader script. It could b......3D RenderAPIVersion ShaderEntry...
CreateVertexBuffer RenderFactory.CreateVertexBuffer method Create an IVertexBuffer instance to store polygon’s vertex......3D CreateUniformBuffer English Русский...
UnitName AssetInfo.UnitName property Gets or sets the unit of length used in this asset. e.g. cm/m/km/inch/feet publi......3D Title UnitScaleFactor English...