Utilizzando Aspose.3D for Python via .NET API, gli sviluppatori possono convertire tutti i poligoni in triangoli in qualsiasi file 3D supportato....nel modello 3D Contents [ Hide ] Utilizzando Aspose.3D for Python...in triangoli in qualsiasi file 3D supportato. Convertire tutti...
FromMesh TriMesh.FromMesh method Create a TriMesh from given mesh object with automatically generated vertex layou......3D TriMesh VerticesToTypedArray...
Up Plane.Up property Gets or sets the up vector of the plane, default value is (0, 1, 0), this affects the generation......3D LengthSegments Width English...
KnotVectors NurbsCurve.KnotVectors property Gets the knot vector, it is a sequence of parameter values that determine......3D Dimension Multiplicity English...
Order NurbsCurve.Order property Gets or sets the order of a NURBS curve, it defines the number of nearby control poin......3D Multiplicity Rational English...
ReadFVector2 TriMesh.ReadFVector2 method Read the vector2 field public FVector2 ReadFVector2 ( int idx , VertexField ......3D ReadFloat ReadFVector3 English...
CreateDescriptorSet RenderFactory.CreateDescriptorSet method Create the descriptor set for specified shader program. ......3D CreateCubeRenderText CreateIndexBuffer...
CreateKeyframeSequence BindPoint.CreateKeyframeSequence method Creates a new curve and connects it to the first chann......3D BindKeyframeSequence GetChannel...
GetKeyframeSequence BindPoint.GetKeyframeSequence method Gets the first keyframe sequence in specified channel public......3D GetChannel GetKeyframeSequences...