LookAt Html5SaveOptions.LookAt property Gets or sets the default look at position, default value is (0, 0, 0) public ......3D FieldOfView NearPlane English...
ShaderContent ShaderTechnique.ShaderContent property Gets or sets the content of a embedded shader script. It could b......3D RenderAPIVersion ShaderEntry...
MakeDefaultIndices Line.MakeDefaultIndices method Generate the sequence 0,1,2,3…. ControlPoints .Length-1 to Segments......3D Visible English Русский 简体中文...
CreateVertexBuffer RenderFactory.CreateVertexBuffer method Create an IVertexBuffer instance to store polygon’s vertex......3D CreateUniformBuffer English Русский...
SpecularFactor PhongMaterial.SpecularFactor property Gets or sets the specular factor. The formula of specular: Specu......3D SpecularColor English Русский...
UnitName AssetInfo.UnitName property Gets or sets the unit of length used in this asset. e.g. cm/m/km/inch/feet publi......3D Title UnitScaleFactor English...
BoundingBox2D BoundingBox2D constructor Initialize a finite bounding box with given minimum and maximum corner public......3D Infinite English Русский 简体中文...
FileContentType FileContentType enumeration File content type public enum FileContentType Values Name Value Descripti......3D ExportException FileFormat English...