First TrimmedCurve.First property The first end point to trim, can be a Cartesian point or a real parameter. public E......3D BasisCurve SameDirection English...
AngleStart RevolvedAreaSolid.AngleStart property Gets or sets the starting angle of the revolving procedure, measured......3D AngleEnd Axis English Русский...
Back CubeFaceData.Back property Gets or sets the data for +Z(Back) face public T Back { get ; set ; } See Also str......3D Bottom English Русский 简体中文...
Value KeyFrame.Value property Gets or sets the key-frame’s value. public float Value { get ; set ; } Property Value T......3D TimeIndependentTange ToString...
AlphaSource TextureBase.AlphaSource property Gets or sets whether the texture defines the alpha channel. Default valu......3D Alpha MagFilter English Русский...