Length Plane.Length property Gets or sets the length of the plane. public double Length { get ; set ; } Property Valu......3D Plane LengthSegments English...
PointCloud DracoSaveOptions.PointCloud property Export the scene as point cloud, default value is false. public bool ......3D NormalBits PositionBits English...
VideoForTexture FbxSaveOptions.VideoForTexture property Gets or sets whether generate a Video instance for Texture wh......3D ReusePrimitiveMesh English Русский...
FileFormat IOConfig.FileFormat property Gets the file format that specified in current Save/Load option. public FileF......3D Encoding FileName English Русский...
HeightSegments Cylinder.HeightSegments property Gets or sets the height segments. public int HeightSegments { get ; s......3D Height OffsetBottom English Русский...
Height Camera.Height property Gets or sets the view plane’s height measured in inches public double Height { get ; se......3D FieldOfViewY Magnification English...
AsPoint EndPoint.AsPoint property Gets the end point as Cartesian point, or thrown an exception. public Vector3 AsPoi......3D FromRadian AsValue English Русский...
Arc RectangularTorus.Arc property The total angle of the arc, measured in radian. Default value is PI public double A......3D AngleStart Height English Русский...
Write16bIndicesTo TriMesh.Write16bIndicesTo method Write the indices data as 16bit integer to the stream public void ......3D VerticesToArray Write32bIndicesTo...
TubularSegments Torus.TubularSegments property Gets or sets the tubular segments. public int TubularSegments { get ; ......3D Tube ToMesh English Русский 简体中文...