Aspose.3d for Java offers a high performance library to create, load, modify, and save 3d documents programmatically...Object java.lang.Throwable java.lang...IOException Exceptions when Aspose.3D failed to export the scene to...
Aspose.3d for Java offers a high performance library to create, load, modify, and save 3d documents programmatically...Object java.lang.Throwable java.lang...IOException Exception when Aspose.3D failed to open the specified...
Skeleton Contents [ Hide ] Skeleton class The Skeleton is mainly used by CAD software to help designer to manipulate ......skeleton hierarchy acts like one object in CAD software, it’s necessary...} Gets the scene that this object belongs to Size { get; set;...
Dish Contents [ Hide ] Dish class Parameterized dish. public class Dish : Primitive Constructors Name Description Dis......} Gets the scene that this object belongs to WidthSegments { of current entity in its object space coordinate system. virtual...
Pyramid Contents [ Hide ] Pyramid class Parameterized pyramid. public class Pyramid : Primitive Constructors Name Des......} Gets the scene that this object belongs to TopArea { get; set; of current entity in its object space coordinate system. virtual...
RevolvedAreaSolid Contents [ Hide ] RevolvedAreaSolid class This class represents a solid model by revolving a cross ......} Gets the scene that this object belongs to Shape { get; set; of current entity in its object space coordinate system. virtual...
Aspose.3d for Java offers a high performance library to create, load, modify, and save 3d documents programmatically...Object com.aspose.threed.A3DObject...SceneObject A scene is a top-level object that contains the nodes, geometries...
Plane Contents [ Hide ] Plane class Parameterized plane. public class Plane : Primitive Constructors Name Description......} Gets the scene that this object belongs to Up { get; set; } of current entity in its object space coordinate system. virtual...
PhongMaterial Contents [ Hide ] PhongMaterial class Material for blinn-phong shading model. public class name SetProperty (string, object) Sets the value of specified...override ToString () Formats object to string See Also class LambertMaterial...