AddChannel AddChannel(string, T) public bool AddChannel < T >( string name , T value ) 也可以看看 class BindPoint 命名空间 ......3D AddChannel(string, object) 添加指定的通道属性。...Aspose.ThreeD.Animation 部件 Aspose.3D AddChannel(string, Type, object)...
Learn how to transform Nodes using a transformation matrix...3D Tutorial Transform Nodes Transformation Matrix...write code here to use Aspose.3D and run the code in browser to...
GammaCorrectedColor Discreet3dsLoadOptions.GammaCorrectedColor property A 3ds file may contains original color and ga......GammaCorrectedColor property A 3ds file may contains original color...possible, otherwise the Aspose.3D will try to use the original...
ExternalDracoEncoder GltfSaveOptions.ExternalDracoEncoder property Use external draco encoder to accelerate the draco......3D will create new sub process to...ThreeD.Formats assembly Aspose.3D EmbedAssets FallbackNormal English...
ImageFormat GltfSaveOptions.ImageFormat property Standard glTF only supports PNG/JPG as its texture format, this opti......3D convert the non-standard images...ThreeD.Formats assembly Aspose.3D FlipTexCoordV MaterialConverter...
TransformedCurve TransformedCurve constructor (1 of 2) The constructor of TransformedCurve public TransformedCurve ()......3D TransformedCurve constructor...ThreeD.Entities assembly Aspose.3D BasisCurve English Русский 简体中文...