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  1. CircleShape | Aspose.3D for .NET API Reference

    CircleShape Contents [ Hide ] CircleShape class IFC compatible circle profile, which can be used to construct a mesh ......3D CShape EllipseShape English Русский...
  2. ShowRulers | Aspose.3D for .NET API 参考

    在场景中显示x/y/z轴的标尺来测量模型 默认值为假...3D ShowGrid ShowUI 简体中文 English...
  3. vertexelementsmoothinggroup - Aspose.3D for Jav...

    Aspose.3d for Java offers a high performance library to create, load, modify, and save 3d documents programmatically... Some early 3d modeling software like 3D studio max for DOS...
  4. op_Addition | Aspose.3D for .NET API 参考

    运算符重载 for...3D ToString op_Explicit 简体中文 English...
  5. ReadDouble | Aspose.3D for .NET API 参考

    读取双字段...3D LoadVerticesFromByte ReadFloat...
  6. FileSystemFactory | Aspose.3D for .NET API 参考

    SaveOptions./saveoptions和LoadOptions./loadoptions将创建LocalFileSystem../aspose.threed.utilities/localfilesystem默认 这可能是服务器环境中的安全问题 使用你自己的FileSystemFactory./filesystemfactory到FileSystemFactory./ioconfig/filesystemfactory来改进服务器侧面安全...3D FbxSaveOptions GltfEmbeddedImageFor...
  7. Width | Aspose.3D for .NET API 参考

    获取或设置在 x 轴对齐的框的宽度...3D LengthSegments WidthSegments...
  8. ShearTop | Aspose.3D for .NET API 参考

    获取或设置顶边的切变变换vector存储以弧度为单位的x轴z轴切变值默认值为 0 0...3D ShearBottom ThetaLength 简体中文...
  9. GetTexture | Aspose.3D for .NET API 参考

    从指定槽获取纹理可以是材质的属性名称或着色器的参数名称...3D GetEnumerator SetTexture 简体中文...
  10. Transforming 3D shapefile geometryto 2D - Free ...

    Is it possible to easily convert a 3d geometry to a 2D representation? When I open a dataset from a 3d shapefile and start processing the features, I am trying to convert the geographies from the shapefile’s SRS to WG…...Transforming 3D shapefile geometryto 2D Aspose.GIS Product Family...possible to easily convert a 3D geometry to a 2D representation...