EntityRenderer Contents [ Hide ] EntityRenderer class Subclass this to implement rendering for different kind of enti......3D DriverException EntityRendererFeatur...
RoughnessFactor PbrMaterial.RoughnessFactor property Gets or sets the roughness of the material, value of 1 means the......3D OcclusionTexture SpecularTexture...
RotateDegree TransformBuilder.RotateDegree method Chain a rotation transform in degree public TransformBuilder Rotate......3D Rotate RotateEulerDegree English...
RotateRadian TransformBuilder.RotateRadian method Chain a rotation transform in radian public TransformBuilder Rotate......3D RotateEulerRadian Scale English...
FromGeometry VertexDeclaration.FromGeometry method Create a VertexDeclaration based on a Geometry ’s layout. public s......3D VertexDeclaration FromType English...