Transparency LambertMaterial.Transparency property Gets or sets the transparency factor. The factor should be ranged ......3D EmissiveColor TransparentColor...
op_Subtraction Vector4 Subtraction operator Operator overloading for - (minus) public static Vector4 operator -( Vect......3D op_Multiply English Русский 简体中文...
Viewport Contents [ Hide ] Viewport class A IRenderTarget contains at least one viewport for rendering the scene. pub......3D TextureType WindowHandle English...
DescriptorSetUpdater Contents [ Hide ] DescriptorSetUpdater class This class allows to update the IDescriptorSet in a......3D CullFaceMode DrawOperation English...
Dot Vector3.Dot method Gets the dot product of two vectors public double Dot ( Vector3 rhs ) Parameter Type Descripti......3D Cross Equals English Русский...