FlangeThickness UShape.FlangeThickness property Gets or sets the thickness of flange. public double FlangeThickness {......3D FilletRadius FlangeWidth English...
ToArray Matrix4.ToArray method Converts matrix to array. public double [] ToArray () Return Value The array. See Also......3D SetTRS ToString English Русский...
GetEnumerator VertexDeclaration.GetEnumerator method Gets an enumerator to walk through all vertex fields in this ins......3D Equals GetHashCode English Русский...
ReadFile ZipArchiveFileSystem.ReadFile method Open file for reading public override Stream ReadFile ( string fileName......3D Dispose WriteFile English Русский...
DepthClear Viewport.DepthClear property Gets or sets the depth value used when clear the viewport with depth buffer b......3D BackgroundColor Enabled English...
ThetaStart Cylinder.ThetaStart property Gets or sets the theta start. The default value is 0. public double ThetaStar......3D ThetaLength ToMesh English Русский...