TopFlangeFilletRadius HShape.TopFlangeFilletRadius property Gets or sets the radius of fillet between the web and the......3D TopFlangeEdgeRadius TopFlangeThickness...
ShaderSet Renderer.ShaderSet property Gets or sets the shader set that used to render the scene public ShaderSet Shad......3D Shader Variables English Русский...
TopXDim TrapeziumShape.TopXDim property Gets or sets the extent of the top line measured along the x-axis. public dou......3D BottomXDim TopXOffset English...
DuplicatedNameCounterBase Discreet3dsSaveOptions.DuplicatedNameCounterBase property The counter used by generating ne......3D Discreet3dsSaveOptio DuplicatedNameCounte...
TransparentColor LambertMaterial.TransparentColor property Gets or sets the transparent color. public Vector3 Transpa......3D Transparency English Русский...
BonePose BonePose class The BonePose contains the transformation matrix for a bone node public class BonePose Constru......3D Axis CoordinatedSystem English...