ApplicationVersion AssetInfo.ApplicationVersion property Gets or sets the version of the application that created thi......3D ApplicationVendor Author English...
RenderAPI ShaderTechnique.RenderAPI property Gets or sets the rendering API used by this technique public RenderingAP......3D Description RenderAPIVersion...
Deformer Deformer constructor Initializes a new instance of the Deformer class. public Deformer ( string name ) Param......3D Owner English Русский 简体中文...
CompareTo RenderState.CompareTo method Compare the render state with another instance public int CompareTo ( RenderSt......3D StencilTest Dispose English Русский...
AddVertex PolygonBuilder.AddVertex method Adds a vertex index to the polygon public void AddVertex ( int index ) Para......3D PolygonBuilder Begin English...
Target IOrientable.Target property Gets or sets the target that the entity is looking at. public Node Target { get ; ......3D Direction English Русский 简体中文...
Primitive Primitive constructor Initializes a new instance of the Primitive class. public Primitive ( string name ) P......3D CastShadows English Русский 简体中文...
TorusTubularSegments RvmLoadOptions.TorusTubularSegments property Gets or sets the number of torus’ tubular segments,......3D RectangularTorusSegm English...