true Vector4.y field The y component. public double y ; See Also struct Vector4 namespace Aspose.ThreeD.Utilities ass......3D x z English Русский 简体中文...
true Vector3.y field The y component. public double y ; See Also struct Vector3 namespace Aspose.ThreeD.Utilities ass......3D x z English Русский 简体中文...
Conjugate Quaternion.Conjugate method Returns a conjugate quaternion of current quaternion public Quaternion Conjugat......3D Concat Dot English Русский 简体中文...
Excluded Entity.Excluded property Gets or sets whether to exclude this entity during exporting. public bool Excluded ......3D Entity ParentNode English Русский...
Name A3dObject.Name property Gets or sets the name. public virtual string Name { get ; set ; } Property Value The nam......3D A3DObject Properties English...
Magnification ITextureUnit.Magnification property Gets or sets the filter mode for magnification. public TextureFilte......3D Height Minification English Русский...
Mipmap ITextureUnit.Mipmap property Gets or sets the filter mode for mipmap. public TextureFilter Mipmap { get ; set ......3D Minification Scale English Русский...
GeometryShader GLSLSource.GeometryShader property Gets or sets the source code of the geometry shader. public string ......3D FragmentShader VertexShader English...
Indented ColladaSaveOptions.Indented property Gets or sets whether the exported XML document is indented. public bool......3D ColladaSaveOptions TransformStyle...