Size IRenderTarget.Size property Gets or sets the size of the render target. public Size Size { get ; set ; } See Als......3D Viewports English Русский 简体中文...
EdgeRadius LShape.EdgeRadius property Gets or sets the radius of the edge. public double EdgeRadius { get ; set ; } S......3D Depth FilletRadius English Русский...
IndexDataType IIndexBuffer.IndexDataType property Gets the data type of each element. public IndexDataType IndexDataT......3D Count LoadData English Русский...
Radius CircleShape.Radius property Gets or sets the radius of the circle. public double Radius { get ; set ; } See Al......3D CircleShape GetExtent English...
Width CShape.Width property Gets or sets the width of the profile. public double Width { get ; set ; } See Also class......3D WallThickness GetExtent English...
OverallDepth HShape.OverallDepth property Gets or sets the extent of the depth. public double OverallDepth { get ; se......3D BottomFlangeWidth TopFlangeEdgeRadius...
StartPoint SweptAreaSolid.StartPoint property The start point of the directrix. public EndPoint StartPoint { get ; se......3D Shape ToMesh English Русский...
OrientationBox Html5SaveOptions.OrientationBox property Display a orientation box. Default value is true. public bool......3D NearPlane ShowGrid English Русский...