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  1. Aspose.SVG renders an imaginary line between tw...

    Hello, I’m trying to convert an svg to png image.png (4.6 KB) but there’s an imaginary line added between the two divs: image.png (5.6 KB) Aspose.SVG version: 24.6.0 C# target framework: .NET 8 Svg in question: <s…...SVG version: 24.6.0 C# target framework: .NET...
  2. Timescale Labels - Free Support Forum -

    Hi, When i set TimescaleStart as 3rd day of february and in addition i choose TimescaleUnit.Months, the label of february will not appear unless i change this: project.TimescaleStart = new DateTime(2024, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0);…...Tasks 24.6.0. vasiliy.sinitsyn July 6,...
  3. Image not rendered correctly in PDF conversion ...

    Hi, we run Aspose.Cells inside a Linux Docker container and noticed an issue with an image which is not rendered correctly in a PDF created by Aspose. 2024-07-11_08-44-14.png (99.5 KB) // See…...Cells" Version="24.6.0" /> <PackageReference Include="Microsoft...
  4. 새로운 소식|.NET용 Aspose.Words

    .NET용 Aspose.Words는 매일 확장되고 향상됩니다. 이 페이지에서는 제품의 가장 크고 흥미로운 기능에 대해 알아볼 수 있습니다....5, 24.6, 24.7, 24.8 용 Aspose.Words Aspose...Adjustments 재산. 차트, 도형, 그림의 변경 24.6 차트 기능이 향상되었습니다. 이제 트리맵 , 선버스트...
  5. The baselines are not visible on the Gantt char...

    Hello, I tried adding baselines under the tasks, but nothing appeared when saving the file as a PDF. Project project = new Project { CalculationMode = CalculationMode.Manual }; Task parentTask =project.RootTask; Task …...Tasks 24.6.0 vasiliy.sinitsyn July 29,...
  6. Aspose.PDF 转DOC是否支持OCR处理内部内容 - Free Support For...

    你好,我们在测试Aspose PDF转功能,发现内部转的时候如果是扫描件无法自动OCR处理。 我们目标是想保持pdf中的表格、图片、段落,尽量完整还原到新的doc中。 感谢。...7 @wangjianye 我们特此通知,我们已在版本 24.6.0 中解决了该问题。 添加了添加自定义字体的功能 Sa...
  7. SVG转DWG的问题及需求 - Free Support Forum -

    SVG转换dwg格式的图纸,版本24.6,24.8都可以导出dwg,但是导出的dwg目前无法用cad打开浏览。 def convert_svg_to_dwg(input_file_path, output_file_path): # 载入SVG文件 with Image.load(input_file_path) as vimage: # 创建DWG保存选项 dwg_options = imageoptions.DwgOpti…...2024, 3:46am 1 SVG转换dwg格式的图纸,版本24.6,24.8都可以导出dwg,但是导出的dwg目前无法用cad打开浏览。...
  8. QrCode and Barcode in same image in pdf - Free ...

    Hi, I’m sure there is nothing wrong with my .Net code. When I try it recognises the bar but not the Qr. If I erase the barcode it can read the Qr on its own. Please tell me if you are able to read them both. BarAndQR.p…...We are using Aspose Barcode 24.6.0. We set the BarcodeReadQuality...
  9. Can FODG or SVG files be converted to DWG files...

    Can FODG or SVG files be converted to DWG files using Aspose.CAD? How can I apply for a trial version? Thank you....m2\repository\com\aspose\aspose-cad\24.6.1\aspose-cad-24.6.1.jar com.leyard.tuzhi...the JAR package being used is 24.6.1. oleksii.gorokhovatskyi September...
  10. Новое в Aspose.Cells for Java|Documentation

    Aspose.Cells for Java расширяет и улучшает ежедневно. На этой странице вы можете узнать о огромных и самых интересных функциях продукта....Cells for Java 24.6 Улучшения рендеринга: настройка...