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  1. Can't Clear the NameOfApplication Metadata Info...

    I have a pptx document,After process by Aspose.Slides,It’s NameOfApplication metedata info display as “Aspose.Slides for .NET”,I try to set NameOfApplication as other string value using Aspose.Slides,but it doesn’t work. … (24.4 KB) The output file: output...
  2. Aspose.PDF nuget dropped .NET 4.0 support? - Fr...

    Context: Console application built with .NET 4.80 and Aspose.PDF nuget package When referencing Aspose.PDF 24.3.0, bin folder contains just Aspose.PDF.dll When referencing Aspose.PDF 24.4.0+, build falls back to .NET …...PDF 24.4.0+, build falls back to .NET...NETFramework4.8.1”] and since 24.4 the first line is removed. Can...
  3. Zoom document while merge PDF file with ASPOSE....

    Hi Suppoet, We are merging multiple PDF files into one PDF and upload the same in azure blob storage. It’s wotking fine for most cases but we observed that in some cases PDF merged with zoomed content so its extrimly di…... 24.4? Also, we do need sample PDF...issue in our environment using 24.4 and the below code snippet:...
  4. Draw Geometric Shapes in Java

    Aspose.PSD for Java is a perfect choice when you want to draw geometric shapes in Java. This Java drawing library offers several features. So, let's explore....<artifactId>aspose-psd</artifactId> <version>24.4</version> <classifier>jdk16</classifier>...
  5. C# Excel API 24.3: Improved Formula Engine, Gri...

    An enhanced formula engine, filtering & GridDesktop improvements empower your Excel manipulation apps with Aspose.Cells .NET 24.3. Download MSI today!...NET 24.4(DLLs Only) English Deutsch Français...
  6. 【Aspose.Cells for java】Excel上で設定したASC関数が反映されない ...

    お世話になっております。 「aspose-cells-22.2」を使ってExcelファイルの出力を行っています。 特定セルに対して「ASC関数」を使っていますが、 出力されたファイルを開いても半角カナに変換されません。 ※プログラム中では、セルに値をセットした後で「calculateFormula()」メソッドを実行しています。 以下のマニュアルを見ると、ASC関数はサポートされていると思っています。 上記関数が適用されな…...Cells for Java 24.4 . ika0616 May 24, 2024, 5:54am...お世話になっております、返信が遅くなり申し訳ありません。 頂いた修正バージョン(24.4)にて試してみましたが、 ASC関数を含むExcelブッ...
  7. BorderStyle enum - Free Support Forum -

    Hi. I can create annotation with 2 border style types: Solid and Dashed. But on Enum BorderStyle | Aspose.PDF for .NET API Reference there are Beveled, Inset and Underline border types. Does Aspose.Pdf support this 3 fea…...NET 24.4 . asad.ali July 8, 2024, 10:46pm...
  8. Image Clipping in Java | Extract Object from Image

    Learn image clipping in Java and explore how you can use 2D graphics programmatically to take your projects to the next level....awing</artifactId> <version>24.4</version> </dependency> </dependencies>...
  9. Aspose words indent and pages mismatch issue - ...

    We are using Aspose Words 22.10 with JDK version 8. Indent in not correctly rendered it is always shows 11, on both Windows and CentOS7. There are no of pages mismatch on CentOS 7. We have copied all the fonts from Wi…...mahajan Yes, 24.4 .NET version of Aspose.Words...
  10. InvalidCastException when running into a PDF pa...

    Hi, I got System.InvalidCastException:Unable to cast object of type '#=zmaPilsttvsIvdV2DclQIxSNM2sLLoJRB2Q==' to type '#=zDWSpJJBRHP0zQB1mC3DHDtSapyDYEdQiVQ=='. when loading a pdf file. Using SDK: Aspose.PDF for .Net 2…...while testing the scenario with 24.4 version of the API. We have...