Hi support.
I want to have a Powershell script access an IMAP mail server and do some automation.
Since I have an Aspose.Regarding the email license, I thought I would try using Aspose.Email Aspose.Email (, .N…...Email (, .NETFrameworE v4.5). The...
I am currently trying to evaluate the component, as my application generates HTML, which I would like to be able to check for WCAG compliance. However I have not been able to get some negative validationresults.
Thi…...will work correctly in version 23.11.0....
Aspose.Words voor .NET breidt uit en verbetert dagelijks. Op deze pagina, kunt u leren over de enorme en meest interessante kenmerken van het product....10, 23.11, 23.12 Aspose.Words 23.9 breidt...samen te voegen. Aspose.Words 23.11 verbetert het werk met revisies...
Library is failing to work with the invariant culture.
PackageReference Aspose.Slides.NET6.CrossPlatform 23.11.0
One of the constructors is failing on initialization of the CultureInfo because US locale is harcoded. …...CrossPlatform 23.11.0 One of the constructors is...
A customer of our has noticed a problem with Add Attachments to PDF when they inspect the attachments in Adobe Reader. Although the attachments are fine and open without issue, the metadata does not show the atta…...see the links below: Version (23.11.1): image.png (6.3 KB) The saved...
Aspose.Words עבור .NET מתרחב ומשפר מדי יום. בדף זה, אתה יכול ללמוד על התכונות הענקיות והמעניינות ביותר של המוצר....10, 23.11, 23.12 Aspose.Words 23.9 מרחיבה...בדרכים חדשות. Aspose.Words 23.11 משפר את העבודה עם תיקונים, פורמט...
A summary of recent changes, enhancements and bug fixes in Aspose.OCR for Java 23.7.0 (July 2023) release....scheduled to be removed in release 23.11.0 (November 2023) in favor of...
A summary of recent changes, enhancements and bug fixes in Aspose.OCR for .NET 23.4.0 (April 2023) release....scheduled to be removed in release 23.11.0 (November 2023) in favor of...
Aspose.Words para Java expande e aumenta diariamente. Nesta página, você pode aprender sobre as características enormes e mais interessantes do produto....10, 23.11, 23.12 Aspose.Words 23.9 expande...novas maneiras. Aspose.Words 23.11 melhora o trabalho com revisões...