FieldAutoNumLgl SeparatorCharacter fast egendom. Hämtar eller ställer in avgränsningstecknet som ska användas i C#....detta fält kommer att visa "2.2.1.". InsertNumberedClause ( builder...AUTONUMLGL-fält kommer att visa "2.2.1." i dokumentet. Assert . IsNull...
EmfPlusPathGradientBrushData Contents [ Hide ] EmfPlusPathGradientBrushData class The EmfPlusPathGradientBrushData ob......2.2.1) that specifies the center color...EmfPlusARGB object (section that specifies the center color...
FieldAutoNumLgl eigendom. Ruft das zu verwendende Trennzeichen ab oder setzt es....zurückgesetzt, sodass dieses Feld "2.2.1." anzeigt. InsertNumberedClause...letztes AUTONUMLGL-Feld zeigt "2.2.1" an. im Dokument. Assert . IsNull...
FieldAutoNumLgl RemoveTrailingPeriod fast egendom. Hämtar eller ställer in om numret ska visas utan efterföljande period i C#....detta fält kommer att visa "2.2.1.". InsertNumberedClause ( builder...AUTONUMLGL-fält kommer att visa "2.2.1." i dokumentet. Assert . IsNull...
EmfPlusFillEllipse Contents [ Hide ] EmfPlusFillEllipse class The EmfPlusFillEllipse record specifies filling the int......2.2.1). If clear, BrushId contains...EmfPlusBrush object (section in the EMF+ Object Table...
SolidArgb32Color EmfPlusSolidBrushData.SolidArgb32Color property Gets or sets an EmfPlusARGB object (section that specifies the color of...
The namespace contains types MS-EMFPLUS Enhanced Metafile Format Plus Extensions 2.3 EMF Records...EmfPlusPen object (section in the EMF+ Object Table...EmfPlusARGB object (section If clear, BrushId contains...
FieldAutoNumLgl propriété. Obtient ou définit le caractère séparateur à utiliser....afin que ce champ affiche "2.2.1.". InsertNumberedClause ( builder...champ AUTONUMLGL affichera "2.2.1." dans le document. Assert ...
Detailed explanation & examples of Aspose.Imaging for Java library so you may easily integrate Image Processing capabilities with your own apps....EmfPlusImageAttribut object (section in the EMF+ Object Table...EmfPlusImageAttribut object (section in the EMF+ Object Table...