Learn how to use Aspose.Tasks for Java to print reports exported from Microsoft Project (MPP/XML) files....mpp" ); 2 project . saveReport ( "ProjectOverView...Project ( "OzBuild 16 Orig.mpp" ); 2 project . saveReport ( "ResourceCostOverview...
SlicerCache class SlicerCache class summary description of slicer cache The SlicerCache type exposes the following me...... get ( 2 , 0 ) . value = "blueberry" cells.... value = 2020 cells . get ( 2 , 1 ) . value = 2020 cells . get...
TxtLoadOptions TrailingSpacesOptions property. Gets or sets preferred option of a trailing space handling. Default value is Trim in C#....textDoc = " Line 1 \n" + " Line 2 \n" + " Line 3 " ; // Create a...AreEqual ( 6.3d , paragraphs [ 2 ]. ParagraphFormat . FirstLineIndent...