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  1. Aspose.Slides for .NET 6 Cross Platform|Aspose....

    Aspose.Slides for .NET 6 Cross Platform...Aspose.Slides for .NET 6 Cross Platform
  2. Rendering text to PNG via Aspose.Words API in U...

    Hi, I want to use this feature “Convert text to PNG in C#” in my unity project. Can you please suggest a way “how to use” this in Unity. What dependencies and plugins do I need to integrate this in my Unity project. Wha…...Hi, I want to use this feature “Convert text to PNG in C#” in my unity project. Can you please suggest a way “how to use” this in Unity. What dependencies and plugins do I need to integrate this in my Unity project. Wha…
  3. PowerPoint to HTML5 Conversion in C# Does Not W...

    I’m currently testing Aspose.Slides to see if are able to migrate from a current solution that requires MS Office automation approach. While it appears that conversion to PDF works as expected (additional tests are still…...I’m currently testing Aspose.Slides to see if are able to migrate from a current solution that requires MS Office automation approach. While it appears that conversion to PDF works as expected (additional tests are still…