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  1. .Net 6 - Aspose.PDF Product Family - Free Suppo...

    Hello Tahir, I hope, you’re good. Are there any news about PDFNET-50918? Thank you and best regards Andrei... We’re actual on .NetCore 3.1 LTS and need to change...
  2. HTML to PDF generation - Free Support Forum - a...

    I have certain Queries for HTML to PDF generation. I am using .netcore application, I am using Javascript and also Charts. The deployment will be done on Google GCP. The export is for reports, It can be of records o…... I am using .netcore application, I am using Javascript...
  3. PDFの単一ページをPNGに変換する際、Linux上でエラー - Free Support F...

    以下Webサイト参考 環境 Aspose.PDF 23.7.0(評価版) .NET 6 Docker(wsl) msttcorefontsインストール済 Docker内での実行時、以下メソッド処理時にエラー // 特定のページを変換し、画像を保存してストリーミングする PngDevice.Process(pdfDocument.Pages[page], imageStream); エラーメッセージ System.…...レンダリングの問題なしに、.NETCoreアプリケーションでAspose.Drawingを使用します。...
  4. Aspose.Cells for Python via .NET 23.3 Release N...

    Aspose.Cells for Python via .NET 23.3 Release Notes – the latest enhancements, new features, and fixes....Aspose.Cells for Python via .NET 23.3 Release Notes – the latest enhancements, new features, and fixes.
  5. Can't Convert Presentations to PDF, JPG with .N...

    Hi, I used Aspose.Slides.Net 21.11 to convert PPT to PDF, PPTX to JPG, PPTM to JPG on Linux with .Net 5. With these samples file (2.5 MB) (5.1 MB) (9.9 MB) the application crash or throw exc…...Hi, I used Aspose.Slides.Net 21.11 to convert PPT to PDF, PPTX to JPG, PPTM to JPG on Linux with .Net 5. With these samples file (2.5 MB) (5.1 MB) (9.9 MB) the application crash or throw exc…
  6. Italic style is not supported while converting ...

    Hello, We are trying to convert the HTML to PDF but some how italic styling is not displaying in PDF. When we open the source HTML in browser it looks good. Please refer below SS and attached sample application it conta…...Hello, We are trying to convert the HTML to PDF but some how italic styling is not displaying in PDF. When we open the source HTML in browser it looks good. Please refer below SS and attached sample application it conta…
  7. Aspose.Cells.GridDesktop.GridDesktop Could not ...

    WPF project using .net core 3.1, and use the latest version of the nuget package. But I can’t start the program after compiling, it throws the System.Windows.Markup.XamlParseException in InitializeComponent(), and the I…...WPF project using .net core 3.1, and use the latest version of the nuget package. But I can’t start the program after compiling, it throws the System.Windows.Markup.XamlParseException in InitializeComponent(), and the I…
  8. ImportError: One or more errors occurred while ...

    Hello Aspose team, I’m getting the below import errors when I try to run a compiled Windows EXE file. The EXE file is compiled with Nuitka. The sample code below runs fine. System Python: 3.10.10 Flavor: CPython Offic…...Hello Aspose team, I’m getting the below import errors when I try to run a compiled Windows EXE file. The EXE file is compiled with Nuitka. The sample code below runs fine. System Python: 3.10.10 Flavor: CPython Offic…
  9. MarginInfo.h - Aspose.PDF for C++ - API Reference

    MarginInfo.h 1 #pragma once 2 // Copyright (c) 2001-2023 Aspose Pty Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 3 4 // C# preprocessor ......MarginInfo.h 1 #pragma once 2 // Copyright (c) 2001-2023 Aspose Pty Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 3 4 // C# preprocessor ...
  10. High Memory Consumption when Saving PowerPoint ...

    Environment: Linux Ubuntu x86_64 docker .netcore 3.1 23.1 Problem: Open a 35M pptx file and save it. The memory increases by 1G. The memory is not released, and the memory for repeated operations …...Linux Ubuntu x86_64 docker .NETCORE 3.1 23.1.../usr/share/dotnet/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/3.1.20/System.Private...