PathJumpTypes PathJumpTypes enumeration Types of Transitions between points of the CmxPathSpec public enum PathJumpTy......PathJumpTypes enumeration Types of transitions between points of the CmxPathSpec...
PR_IN_REPLY_TO_ID_W MapiPropertyTag.PR_IN_REPLY_TO_ID_W field public static readonly long PR_IN_REPLY_TO_ID_W ; Смотр......PR_IN_REPLY_TO_ID_A PR_IN_TRANSIT Русский English 简体中文...
type الملكية type الملكية تمثل ورقة عمل type. تعريف: @property def type ( self ): ... @type . setter def type ( self ......فئة SheetType فئة Worksheet transition_evaluation الملكية unique_id...
type недвижимость type недвижимость Представляет рабочий лист type. Определение: @property def type ( self ): ... @ty......SheetType класс Worksheet transition_evaluation недвижимость unique_id...
type mülk type mülk type çalışma sayfasını temsil eder. Tanım: @property def type ( self ): ... @type . setter def ty......SheetType sınıf Worksheet transition_evaluation mülk unique_id...
type propriété type propriété Représente la feuille de travail type. Définition: @property def type ( self ): ... @ty......SheetType classe Worksheet transition_evaluation propriété unique_id...