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topojson to geojson

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  1. MapInfo Interchange Format (MIF/MID)

    MapInfo Interchange Format (MIF/MID) is a file format commonly used in geographic information system (GIS) software, specifically MapInfo Professional. It is designed for exchanging spatial data between different GIS platforms and applications. MIF files sTore vecTor data, such as points, lines, and polygons, while MID files contain attribute data associated with the spatial features. MIF/MID format provides a simple and flexible way To sTore and share geospatial information, making it widely used in the GIS industry....Geodatabase (GDB) Esri Grid GeoJSON GeoTIFF GML GPX HDF JPEG2000...SVG Tile Map Service (TMS) TopoJSON Web Feature Service (WFS)...
  2. HDF

    HDF (Hierarchical Data Format) is a file format designed To sTore and organize large amounts of diverse data. It provides a hierarchical structure that allows for efficient sTorage and retrieval of data, supporting various types of data, including scientific, numerical, and multimedia data. HDF files can contain datasets, attributes, and metadata, providing a comprehensive and flexible data sTorage solution. The format is widely used in scientific research, remote sensing, and other fields that require efficient management and analysis of complex data sets....Geodatabase (GDB) Esri Grid GeoJSON GeoTIFF GML GPX JPEG2000 KML...SVG Tile Map Service (TMS) TopoJSON Web Feature Service (WFS)...
  3. Web Map Tile Service (WMTS)

    Web Map Tile Service (WMTS) is a standard proTocol for serving pre-rendered map tiles over the internet. It provides a way To distribute map data in a tile-based format, allowing users To view and interact with maps in a fast and efficient manner. WMTS divides maps inTo small rectangular tiles at different zoom levels, and these tiles are requested by clients To create a seamless map display. The tiles are typically cached on the client side, enabling quick retrieval and rendering of map data. WMTS supports various map projections and allows for the cusTomization of map styles and layers. It is widely used in web mapping applications and provides a standardized approach for accessing and displaying maps across different platforms and devices....Geodatabase (GDB) Esri Grid GeoJSON GeoTIFF GML GPX HDF JPEG2000...SVG Tile Map Service (TMS) TopoJSON Web Feature Service (WFS)...
  4. Oracle Spatial

    Oracle Spatial Format is a geospatial data format in Oracle Database for sToring and analyzing location-based information. It supports spatial data types and indexes, allowing efficient spatial querying and analysis in database-driven applications....Geodatabase (GDB) Esri Grid GeoJSON GeoTIFF GML GPX HDF JPEG2000...SVG Tile Map Service (TMS) TopoJSON Web Feature Service (WFS)...
  5. GML

    GML (Geography Markup Language) is an XML-based format used for describing geospatial features and their attributes. It is commonly used in GIS (Geographic Information Systems) and other geospatial applications To encode and exchange geographic data. GML allows for the creation and sharing of complex geospatial data sets, including both vecTor and raster data....Geodatabase (GDB) Esri Grid GeoJSON GeoTIFF GPX HDF JPEG2000 KML...SVG Tile Map Service (TMS) TopoJSON Web Feature Service (WFS)...
  6. Esri File Geodatabase (GDB)

    Esri File Geodatabase is a file format developed by Esri for sToring geospatial data in a file-based system. It allows for efficient sTorage and retrieval of geospatial data, including vecTor, raster, and attribute data. The file geodatabase is used by many GIS software applications and can be accessed using the Esri ArcGIS platform. It offers various advantages such as high performance, data integrity, and multi-user editing capabilities....Format) ENVI ERDAS Esri Grid GeoJSON GeoTIFF GML GPX HDF JPEG2000...SVG Tile Map Service (TMS) TopoJSON Web Feature Service (WFS)...
  7. OGC GeoPackage (GPKG)

    The OGC GeoPackage (GPKG) is a file format and data exchange standard for sToring geospatial data. It combines the advantages of a geospatial database and a file-based format, providing a self-contained and platform-independent solution for sToring and sharing geospatial information. The GeoPackage format supports various types of data, including vecTor features, raster images, and attribute data, allowing for the sTorage of complex geospatial datasets in a single file. It is an open standard developed by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) and is widely used in the geospatial industry for mobile applications, offline mapping, and data interoperability....Geodatabase (GDB) Esri Grid GeoJSON GeoTIFF GML GPX HDF JPEG2000...SVG Tile Map Service (TMS) TopoJSON Web Feature Service (WFS)...
  8. SQLite

    SQLite is a lightweight, serverless, and self-contained relational database management system. It is widely used due To its simplicity, portability, and compatibility with various platforms and programming languages. SQLite is embedded directly inTo applications, requiring no separate server process, and sTores the entire database in a single file. It supports standard SQL syntax and offers features like transactions, indexes, and triggers. SQLite is suitable for small To medium-sized applications or as an embedded database within larger systems....Geodatabase (GDB) Esri Grid GeoJSON GeoTIFF GML GPX HDF JPEG2000...SVG Tile Map Service (TMS) TopoJSON Web Feature Service (WFS)...
  9. GPX

    GPX (GPS Exchange Format) is a file format used To sTore GPS data, such as waypoints, tracks, and routes. It is an open standard and can be used To exchange GPS data between different software and devices. GPX files can be created and edited using various software Tools, and can be loaded onTo GPS devices for navigation and outdoor activities. The format is widely used in the outdoor and adventure community for sharing and analyzing GPS data....Geodatabase (GDB) Esri Grid GeoJSON GeoTIFF GML HDF JPEG2000 KML...SVG Tile Map Service (TMS) TopoJSON Web Feature Service (WFS)...
  10. GML

    GML (Geography Markup Language) is an XML-based format used for describing geospatial features and their attributes. It is commonly used in GIS (Geographic Information Systems) and other geospatial applications To encode and exchange geographic data. GML allows for the creation and sharing of complex geospatial data sets, including both vecTor and raster data....Geodatabase (GDB) Esri Grid GeoJSON GeoTIFF GPX HDF JPEG2000 KML...SVG Tile Map Service (TMS) TopoJSON Web Feature Service (WFS)...