Returns or sets the Id of a proofing language. Used for Checking Spelling and grammar. Read/write String.... Used for checkingspelling and grammar. Read/write...
Returns or sets the Id of a proofing language. Used for Checking Spelling and grammar. Read/write String.... Used for checkingspelling and grammar. Read/write...
Returns the Id of a proofing language. Used for Checking Spelling and grammar. Read System::String.... Used for checkingspelling and grammar. Read System::String...
Sets the Id of a proofing language. Used for Checking Spelling and grammar. Write System::String.... Used for checkingspelling and grammar. Write System::String...
Returns the Id of a proofing language. Used for Checking Spelling and grammar. Read System::String.... Used for checkingspelling and grammar. Read System::String...
aspose.words.Document class. Represents a Word document...grammar_checked Returns True if the document has been checked for...show_spelling_errors Specifies whether to display spelling errors...
IChartPortionFormat Contents [ Hide ] IChartPortionFormat class Represents the chart portion formatting properties us...... Used for checkingspelling and grammar. Read/write...
ChartPortionFormat Contents [ Hide ] ChartPortionFormat class This class contains the chart portion formatting proper...... Used for checkingspelling and grammar. Read/write...
IBasePortionFormat Contents [ Hide ] IBasePortionFormat class This class contains the text portion formatting propert...... Used for checkingspelling and grammar. Read/write...