separator propriété separator propriété Obtient ou définit le type separator utilisé pour les étiquettes de données s......classe DataLablesSeparatorT rotation_angle propriété separator_type...
text_direction الملكية text_direction الملكية يمثل ترتيب قراءة النص. ملاحظات ملاحظة: هذا العضو قد عفا عليه الزمن الآن......TextDirectionType فئة TickLabels rotation_angle الملكية tick_label_items...
separator fastighet separator fastighet Hämtar eller ställer in typen separator som används för dataetiketterna på et......klass DataLablesSeparatorT rotation_angle fastighet separator_type...
BehaviorFactory BehaviorFactory class Allows to create animation effects For COM compatibility. BehaviorFactory Name ......createRotationEffect () Creates rotation effect. Result: RotationEffect...
IRotationEffect Contents [ Hide ] IRotationEffect class Represent rotation behavior of effect. The IRotationEffect ty......IRotationEffect class Represent rotation behavior of effect. The IRotationEffect...
RotationEffect RotationEffect class Represent rotation behavior of effect. RotationEffect Name Description RotationEf......RotationEffect class Represent rotation behavior of effect. RotationEffect...
Aspose::Cells::Drawing::Texts::ShapeTextAlignment::SetRotationAngle method. Gets and sets the rotation of the shape in C++.... method Gets and sets the rotation of the shape. void Aspose...