Maybe it is a bug or maybe I am not using your library correctly. I hope it’s the latter and that you could show me please how To do it better.
In our processing of merging differents documents types To a pdf doc…...PageSize ps = PageSize.getA4(); page.getPageInfo().setWidth( ps.getHeight()...page.getPageInfo().setHeight( ps.getWidth() ); // This temp doc...
Feature List page provides you with the information on what you can do and with which Page Description Languages working with this API solution for .NET....(PNG, JPEG, TIFF, GIF, BMP, EMF, WMF) Create PS/EPS document...
2.0 http://www.w3.org/2005/ATom Complete Set of File Format AuTomation Solutions – Konwersja formatu pliku przez JavahttPs://products.aspose.com/Total/pl/java/conversion/Recent content in Konwersja......tym mapy bitowe, jpeg, gif i tiff. Obrazy są przechowywane w tych...obrazów i prostych grafik. Pliki Tiff to nieskompresowane pliki graficzne...