Elevation CadPolygonMesh.Elevation property public override double Elevation { get ; set ; } Смотрите также class Cad......Polylines сборка Aspose.CAD CadPolygonMesh...
Thickness CadPolylineBase.Thickness property public virtual double Thickness { get ; set ; } Смотрите также class Cad......Polylines сборка Aspose.CAD SurfaceType...
MeshNVertexCount CadPolygonMesh.MeshNVertexCount property public override short MeshNVertexCount { get ; set ; } Смот......Polylines сборка Aspose.CAD MeshMVertexCount...
TypeName CadPolyline3D.TypeName property public override CadEntityTypeName TypeName { get ; } See Also enum CadEntity......Polylines assembly Aspose.CAD Thickness...
BezierPointCount DwfOptions.BezierPointCount property How many points to generate when converting Bezier curves to po......converting Bezier curves to polylines public byte BezierPointCount...
Flag CadPolylineBase.Flag property public CadPolylineFlag Flag { get ; set ; } Смотрите также enum CadPolylineFlag cl......Polylines сборка Aspose.CAD EndWidth...
StartWidth CadPolyFaceMesh.StartWidth property public override double StartWidth { get ; set ; } See Also class CadPo......Polylines assembly Aspose.CAD MeshNVertexCount...