META-INF/MANIFEST.MF Manifest-Version: 1.0 Created-By: 1.8.0_144 (Oracle Corporation) Name: classes.jar SHA-256-Digest: x0My8JZQl6+CpKQW+4axg4eSeiWsT1twJozhv= Name: res/values/values.xml SHA-256-Di......= Not the last article in a multi-parcels con, 2 = Single consignment...consignment or last article in a multi-parcels consignment. Human readable...
با استفاده از Aspose.OCR برای Python از طریق جاوا، یکپارچه تشخیص کاراکتر نوری (OCR) را در برنامههای پایتون خود ادغام کنید....TIFF GIF Bitmap OCR دسته ای Multi-page PDF ZIP Folder نتایج تشخیص...DetectAreasMode . TABLE ) settings . set_threads_count ( 1 ) settings . set_language...
C# ASP.NET VB.NET API's om elk type document te manipuleren en te converteren....geoptimaliseerd voor prestaties en multi-threading, en ook dit is geen probleem...
doc/allclasses-frame.html All Classes AboveAverage AbstractCalculationE ArcShape Area AutoFilter AutoFitterOptions AutomaticFill Axis Bevel Border BorderCollection BuiltInDocumentPrope Button Calcu......the labels shall be shown as multi level. boolean isAutomaticMajorUnit()...the labels shall be shown as multi level. Only valid for category...
C# ASP.NET VB.NET API:er för att skapa manipulera konvertera och rendera alla typer av dokument....optimerad för prestanda och multi-threading, och återigen är detta...
C# ASP.NET VB.NET API pro vytvoření manipulace, převod a vykreslení jakéhokoli typu dokumentů....optimalizovaná pro výkon a multi-threading a opět není problém používat...
C# ASP.NET API VB.NET per creare manipolare convertire e rendere qualsiasi tipo di documento....per le prestazioni e il multi-threading, e anche in questo caso...
C# ASP.NET VB.NET APIs para criar, manipular, converter e renderizar qualquer tipo de documento....otimizada para desempenho e multi-threading e, novamente, não há problema...
2.0 Documentation – Panoramica Recent content in Panoramica on Documentation Hugo -- it https://docs.aspose.c......TIFF text-align:left Single or Multi-Page TIFF Image text-align:left...a segnalare un problema per thread. Se hai un altro problema,...