كود مصدر C# لدمج مستندات PPT على .NET Framework أو .NET Core أو Windows Azure أو Mono أو Xamarin الأنظمة الأساسية....pptx" ); //merged Presentation var mp = new Presentation(...It is possible to save the merged presentation to any supported...
Java-Beispielcode zum Kombinieren von POT-Dokumenten in Java Runtime Environment für JSP/JSF-Anwendung und Desktop-Anwendungen....pot" ); // Merge for (ISlide slide : prest2.getSlides())...getSlides()) { // Merge from source to target prest1.getSlides()...
Egyesítsen több fájlt PHP PPT, PPTX, ODP, PDF, PNG, JPG és még sok más formátumban....Slides PowerPoint kódminták online tartalmazzák Merge PPT A PPT...használatával Java API-n keresztül. Merge PPTX A PPTX egyesítése az Aspose...
Исходный код C# для объединения документов PPTX на платформах .NET Framework, .NET Core, Windows Azure, Mono или Xamarin....pptx" ); //merged Presentation var mp = new Presentation(...It is possible to save the merged presentation to any supported...
Kod źródłowy C# do łączenia dokumentów POTX na platformach .NET Framework, .NET Core, Windows Azure, Mono lub Xamarin....pptx" ); //merged Presentation var mp = new Presentation(...It is possible to save the merged presentation to any supported...
Kod źródłowy C# do łączenia dokumentów OTP na platformach .NET Framework, .NET Core, Windows Azure, Mono lub Xamarin....pptx" ); //merged Presentation var mp = new Presentation(...It is possible to save the merged presentation to any supported...
C#-källkod för att kombinera OTP-dokument på .NET Framework, .NET Core, Windows Azure, Mono eller Xamarin-plattformar....pptx" ); //merged Presentation var mp = new Presentation(...It is possible to save the merged presentation to any supported...
C#-forráskód az OTP-dokumentumok kombinálásához .NET-keretrendszer, .NET Core, Windows Azure, Mono vagy Xamarin platformokon....pptx" ); //merged Presentation var mp = new Presentation(...It is possible to save the merged presentation to any supported...
JSP/JSF एप्लिकेशन और डेस्कटॉप एप्लिकेशन के लिए जावा रनटाइम एनवायरनमेंट पर PPS दस्तावेज़ों को संयोजित करने के लिए Java नमूना कोड।...pps" ); // Merge for (ISlide slide : prest2.getSlides())...getSlides()) { // Merge from source to target prest1.getSlides()...