StatusString KnownPropertyList.StatusString field Microsoft Exchange defines this property that is used by the Micros......Mapi assembly Aspose.Email StatusCode...
StoreState KnownPropertyList.StoreState field Indicates whether a mailbox has any active Search folders. Area: MapiMe......Mapi assembly Aspose.Email StoreSlowlink...
UserName KnownPropertyList.UserName field Microsoft Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exch......Mapi assembly Aspose.Email UserEntryId...
WlinkCalendarColor KnownPropertyList.WlinkCalendarColor field Specifies the background color of the calendar. Area: C......Mapi assembly Aspose.Email WlinkAddressBookStor...
PR_RESOURCE_TYPE MapiPropertyTag.PR_RESOURCE_TYPE field public static readonly long PR_RESOURCE_TYPE ; 也可以看看 class Ma......Mapi 部件 Aspose.Email PR_RESOURCE_PATH_W...
PR_RULE_ID MapiPropertyTag.PR_RULE_ID field public static readonly long PR_RULE_ID ; 也可以看看 class MapiPropertyTag 命名空间......Mapi 部件 Aspose.Email PR_RULE_FOLDER_ENTRYID...
PR_RESOURCE_METHODS MapiPropertyTag.PR_RESOURCE_METHODS field public static readonly long PR_RESOURCE_METHODS ; 也可以看看......Mapi 部件 Aspose.Email PR_RESOURCE_FLAGS...
PR_REPORT_NAME MapiPropertyTag.PR_REPORT_NAME field public static readonly long PR_REPORT_NAME ; 也可以看看 class MapiProp......Mapi 部件 Aspose.Email PR_REPORT_ENTRYID...
PR_PRIMARY_CAPABILITY MapiPropertyTag.PR_PRIMARY_CAPABILITY field public static readonly long PR_PRIMARY_CAPABILITY ;......Mapi 部件 Aspose.Email PR_PREVIEW_W...
PR_STORE_SLOWLINK MapiPropertyTag.PR_STORE_SLOWLINK field public static readonly long PR_STORE_SLOWLINK ; 也可以看看 class......Mapi 部件 Aspose.Email PR_STORE_RECORD_KEY...