TextAttachmentCharset KnownPropertyList.TextAttachmentCharset field Specifies the character set of an attachment rece......Mapi assembly Aspose.Email TestLineSpeed...
ProofOfSubmission KnownPropertyList.ProofOfSubmission field Microsoft Exchange defines this property that is used by ......Mapi assembly Aspose.Email ProofOfDeliveryReque...
ReplicaVersion KnownPropertyList.ReplicaVersion field Microsoft Exchange defines this property that is used by the Mi......Mapi assembly Aspose.Email ReplicationStyle...
SentmailEntryid KnownPropertyList.SentmailEntryid field Microsoft Exchange defines this property that is used by the ......Mapi assembly Aspose.Email Sensitivity...
SingleBodyICal KnownPropertyList.SingleBodyICal field Indicates that the original MIME message contained a single MIM......Mapi assembly Aspose.Email SideEffects...
Subfolders KnownPropertyList.Subfolders field Specifies whether a folder has subfolders. Area: MapiContainer Canonica......Mapi assembly Aspose.Email StreetAddress...
ToDoTitle KnownPropertyList.ToDoTitle field Contains user-specifiable text to identify this Message object in a conso......Mapi assembly Aspose.Email ToDoSubOrdinal...
WlinkROGroupType KnownPropertyList.WlinkROGroupType field Specifies the type of group header. Area: Configuration Can......Mapi assembly Aspose.Email WlinkRecordKey...
XFaxNumberOfPages KnownPropertyList.XFaxNumberOfPages field Specifies how many discrete pages are contained within an......Mapi assembly Aspose.Email XCallId...