Представляет объект календаря Mapi...Представляет объект календаря mapi public sealed class MapiCalendar...(PropertyDescriptor) Получает свойство MAPI по дескриптору свойства. GetPropertyBoolean...
ReferredByName MapiContactPersonalInfoPropertySet.ReferredByName property Specifies the name of the person who referr......Mapi assembly Aspose.Email PersonalHomePage...
PersonalInfo MapiContact.PersonalInfo property Specify other additional contact information public MapiContactPersona......Mapi assembly Aspose.Email OtherFields...
Year MapiCalendarTimeZoneInfo.Year property Gets or sets the year in which this rule is scheduled to take effect. pub......Mapi assembly Aspose.Email TimeZoneFlags...
Frequency MapiCalendarRecurrencePattern.Frequency property Gets or sets the frequency of the recurring series. public......Mapi assembly Aspose.Email Exceptions...
PR_COMMENT MapiPropertyTag.PR_COMMENT field public static readonly long PR_COMMENT ; See Also class MapiPropertyTag n......Mapi assembly Aspose.Email PR_COLLECTOR...
AppointmentUnsendableRecipients MapiCalendarAttendees.AppointmentUnsendableRecipients property Gets or sets a list of......Mapi assembly Aspose.Email AppointmentRecipient...