ColorSpace ExifData.ColorSpace property Gets or sets the color space. public ExifColorSpace ColorSpace { get ; set ; ......Exif assembly Aspose.Imaging CFAPattern...
Aspose.CAD.Exporters.CadApsEntitiesExporter.CadAps3D Classes Class Description Point3D Represents class to work with ......Exif.Enums Aspose.CAD.Exporters.IgesExporter...
SamplesPerPixel JpegExifData.SamplesPerPixel property Gets or sets the samples per pixel. public ushort SamplesPerPix......Exif assembly Aspose.Imaging ResolutionUnit...
CameraOwnerName ExifData.CameraOwnerName property Gets or sets camera owner name public string CameraOwnerName { get ......Exif assembly Aspose.Imaging BrightnessValue...
GPSAltitude ExifData.GPSAltitude property Gets or sets the GPS altitude. public TiffRational GPSAltitude { get ; set ......Exif assembly Aspose.Imaging Gamma...
BrightnessValue ExifData.BrightnessValue property Gets or sets the brightness value. public TiffSRational BrightnessV......Exif assembly Aspose.Imaging BodySerialNumber...