DigitalZoomRatio ExifData.DigitalZoomRatio property Gets or sets the digital zoom ratio. public TiffRational DigitalZ......Exif assembly Aspose.Imaging DeviceSettingDescrip...
SceneCaptureType ExifData.SceneCaptureType property Gets or sets the scene capture type. public ExifSceneCaptureType ......Exif assembly Aspose.Imaging Saturation...
GPSSatellites ExifData.GPSSatellites property Gets or sets the GPS satellites used for measurements. public string GP......Exif assembly Aspose.Imaging GPSProcessingMethod...
ExifExposureMode ExifExposureMode enumeration public enum ExifExposureMode Ценности Имя Ценность Описание Auto 0 Manu......Exif.Enums сборка Aspose.CAD ExifCustomRendered...