BinaryData ReminderAttachment.BinaryData property Contain a character encoding of inline binary data. public byte [] ......Email.Calendar assembly Aspose.Email ReminderAttachment...
Method Task.Method property Gets or sets iTIP methods associated with an task. public TIPMethod Method { get ; set ; ......Email.Calendar assembly Aspose.Email DueDate Organizer...
DueDate Task.DueDate property Gets or sets the date by which the user expects work on the task to be complete. public......Email.Calendar assembly Aspose.Email Body Method...
Transparency Appointment.Transparency property Specifies whether or not this appointment is intended to be visible in......Email.Calendar assembly Aspose.Email Summary UniqueId...
Count RecurrenceRule.Count property Gets or sets the count. public int Count { get ; set ; } Property Value The count......Email.Calendar.Recurrences assembly Aspose.Email ByYearDay...
ByMonth RecurrenceRule.ByMonth property Gets the by month. public ByNumberCollection ByMonth { get ; } Property Value......Email.Calendar.Recurrences assembly Aspose.Email ByMinute...
SetTimeZone Appointment.SetTimeZone method Set time zone public void SetTimeZone ( string tzName ) Parameter Type Des......Email.Calendar assembly Aspose.Email Save UpdateAppointment...