DateTime ReminderTrigger.DateTime property A trigger set to an absolute date/time. public DateTime DateTime { get ; s......Email.Calendar assembly Aspose.Email ReminderTrigger...
MicrosoftBusyStatus Appointment.MicrosoftBusyStatus property Specifies the BUSY status of an appointment. public MSBu......Email.Calendar assembly Aspose.Email MethodType MicrosoftImportance...
ByHour RecurrenceRule.ByHour property Gets the by hour. public ByNumberCollection ByHour { get ; } Property Value The......Email.Calendar.Recurrences assembly Aspose.Email ByDay...
Attachments Task.Attachments property Gets or sets a collection of file attached to the task. public AttachmentCollec......Email.Calendar assembly Aspose.Email Task Attendees...
Status Appointment.Status property Gets or sets the overall status or confirmation for the object. public Appointment......Email.Calendar assembly Aspose.Email StartTimeZone...
AppointmentMsgSaveOptions AppointmentMsgSaveOptions constructor Initializes a new instance of the MsgSaveOptions clas......Email.Calendar assembly Aspose.Email English Русский...