NextEvent CalendarReader.NextEvent method Reads next Event from source and save it to the Current. public bool NextEv......Email.Calendar assembly Aspose.Email Current English...
TimezoneFormat AppointmentFormattingOptions.TimezoneFormat property Gets or sets the timezone format. public string T......Email.Calendar assembly Aspose.Email StartDateFormat...
Related ReminderTrigger.Related property Specify the relationship of the alarm trigger with respect to the start or e......Email.Calendar assembly Aspose.Email Duration English...
SequenceId AppointmentIcsSaveOptions.SequenceId property Gets or sets the sequence id. public int SequenceId { get ; ......Email.Calendar assembly Aspose.Email ProductId StartTimeZone...
OrganizerFormat AppointmentFormattingOptions.OrganizerFormat property Gets or sets the organizer format. public strin......Email.Calendar assembly Aspose.Email LocationFormat...
CreateAsHtml AppointmentFormattingOptions.CreateAsHtml method Specifies formatting in the html. public static Appoint......Email.Calendar assembly Aspose.Email AppointmentFormattin...
Action AppointmentReminder.Action property Defines the action to be invoked when an alarm is triggered. public Remind......Email.Calendar assembly Aspose.Email Default15MinReminder...
Groups FreebusyResponse.Groups property Expansion of groups. public Dictionary < string , FreebusyGroupInfo > Groups ......Email.Clients.Google assembly Aspose.EmailCalendars TimeMax...